Starfield is in the market: Begin your journey with this guide | 10 tips to start with

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Bethesda Game Studios’ latest masterpiece, “Starfield” is now finally in the town. The game is filled with wild stuff, crazy adventures and mysterious ventures. Starfield is now out on the Xbox series and PC. This action-RPG plunges you into a meticulously crafted sci-fi universe teeming with vibrant star systems, diverse planets, and endless possibilities. But as a beginner, the gameplay can be very alien to you, so we have made this brief guide for you.

Whether you’re a seasoned spacefarer or a wide-eyed recruit, Starfield offers an unparalleled adventure brimming with exploration, thrilling combat, and deep customization.

Embarking on a journey, whether literal or metaphorical, requires setting a course. It’s about knowing where you want to go, how you’ll get there, and what you might encounter along the way. Charting your course is this very process, and it holds tremendous value for navigating all aspects of life.

Understanding Yourself: Charting your course begins with introspection. Who are you? What are your values, passions, and strengths? Defining your inner compass guides your path and helps you prioritize choices.

Defining Your Destination: It’s not enough to simply yearn for “success” or “happiness.” What does that look like for you? Be specific! Whether it’s a fulfilling career, healthy relationships, creative expression, or a combination of these, visualize your desired destination with clarity.

Mapping the Terrain: Research and gather information about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. What skills do you need to acquire? What obstacles might you face? Mapping the terrain allows you to prepare for the unexpected and adapt your course as needed.

Navigating the Path:

Charting a Flexible Course: Life is rarely linear. Be prepared to adjust your course based on new information, experiences, and evolving priorities. Embrace detours and unexpected discoveries as valuable learning opportunities.

Choosing Your Compass: Seek guidance from mentors, role models, and resources that resonate with you. Learn from their experiences and perspectives, but remember to stay true to your own inner compass.

Fueling the Journey: Perseverance is key! Celebrate your milestones, but don’t give up when the going gets tough. Passion, resilience, and a positive attitude are essential fuel for navigating the long stretches of your journey.

1. Embrace the Freedom:

Starfield’s expansive open world begs to be explored beyond the confines of quests and objectives. Forget the linear paths of most RPGs; this is your chance to truly forge your own adventure.

Imagine soaring through uncharted star systems, stumbling upon ancient ruins on a forgotten moon, or uncovering hidden settlements teeming with unique lore. Curiosity is your compass. Follow the call of the unknown, embrace spontaneity, and let the galaxy surprise you.

2. Customize Everything:

Starfield isn’t just about playing a character; it’s about becoming your ideal adventurer. From your appearance and backstory to your skills and perks, the customization options are vast.

Image of player customizing their character in Starfield

Craft your persona: Will you be a charismatic diplomat, a cunning scavenger, or a tech-savvy engineer? The choice is yours, and your decisions shape your interactions with the world.

  • Become a master: Tailor your skillset to fit your playstyle. Whether you want to blast enemies with shotguns, hack your way into secure terminals, or charm your way out of trouble, there’s a specialization for you.
  • Express yourself: Don’t forget the visual flair! Choose from a variety of hairstyles, outfits, and cybernetic enhancements to create a character that truly embodies your inner spacefarer.

3. Join a Faction:

The galaxy of Starfield is riddled with political intrigue and competing factions vying for power. Aligning yourself with one adds a whole new layer to your adventure.

Image of three main factions in Starfield: the United Colonies, the Freestar Collective, and the Crimson Fleet


  • United Colonies: Lawful and tech-savvy, they represent stability and order. Joining them grants access to advanced technology and resources.
  • Freestar Collective: Resourceful and independent, they value freedom and exploration. Becoming a member opens up opportunities for trade and piracy.
  • Crimson Fleet: Ruthless and ambitious, they seek dominance through sheer force. Joining them means embracing a life of conflict and reaping the rewards of high-risk ventures.

Each faction offers unique storylines, missions, and rewards, shaping your experience in significant ways. Choose wisely, for your allegiance will impact your reputation, access to resources, and even the fate of the galaxy.

4. Diplomacy or Lasers:

While Starfield features thrilling combat, it also encourages alternative solutions. Not every problem needs a blaster to the face.

Image of player engaging in a conversation with an NPC in Starfield


  • Talk it out: Utilize your persuasion skills and speech checks to navigate tricky situations peacefully. You might gain valuable information, avoid unnecessary conflict, or even forge unexpected alliances.
  • Become a smooth operator: Complete side quests for factions and NPCs to build trust and unlock exclusive missions or discounts. Your reputation precedes you, so make it count!
  • Remember, violence is a last resort: While combat can be exhilarating, don’t underestimate the power of diplomacy. Sometimes, the most rewarding solutions come from thinking outside the laser sight.

5. Craft Your Arsenal:

Forget scavenging for generic loot; Starfield lets you forge your own weapons, armor, and even spaceships! It’s time to unleash your inner engineer and tailor your arsenal to your exact needs.

Image of player crafting a weapon in Starfield

Gather resources: Explore planets, mine asteroids, and scavenge fallen enemies to collect materials for crafting. The galaxy is your workshop, so don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty.

  • Experiment with designs: Unlock blueprints and mix and match components to create weapons that fit your combat style. Prefer shotguns? Go for high-capacity blasters. More of a sniper? Craft a long-range rifle with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Upgrade your ride: Don’t neglect your trusty spaceship! Customize its engines, shields, and weaponry to transform it from a humble freighter into a formidable spacefaring war machine.

6. Mind Your Crew:

You’re not alone in this cosmic odyssey! Recruit a diverse crew of companions to join you on your adventures.

Image of player's crew in Starfield


  • Seek unique skills: Each companion offers valuable abilities, from hacking and lockpicking to piloting and combat expertise. Build a well-rounded team to tackle any challenge the galaxy throws your way.
  • Uncover their stories: Beyond their skills, your crewmates have their own personalities, backstories, and side quests. Get to know them, earn their loyalty, and witness their growth as individuals.
  • They’re not just robots: They’re not just hired guns! Your crewmates provide valuable commentary, feedback, and even witty banter as you explore the galaxy. Their presence adds a layer of emotional depth and companionship to your journey.

7. Don’t Skip the Side Hustles: 

The universe doesn’t run on dreams alone. Engage in various side activities to make credits, unlock resources, and add spice to your exploration.

Image of player mining resources in Starfield

Mining for riches: Scan asteroids, extract valuable minerals, and sell them for a hefty profit. It’s a great way to build your starting capital and discover hidden resources.

  • Trade like a pro: Buy low, sell high! Use your knowledge of different markets and resources to score profitable deals. You might even stumble upon rare artifacts or contraband worth a fortune.
  • Bounty hunting for thrills: Track down outlaws and criminals across the galaxy for cold hard cash. It’s a dangerous but rewarding pursuit that tests your combat skills and earns you a reputation.

These activities are not just money-makers; they offer unique gameplay experiences and opportunities to delve deeper into the world of Starfield. Consider them mini-adventures within your grand spacefaring saga.

8. Upgrade Your Starship:

Your spaceship is your home, your fortress, and your key to galactic navigation. Don’t neglect its well-being!

Image of player upgrading their spaceship in Starfield


  • Shields for survival: Invest in stronger shields to withstand enemy fire and hazardous environments. Remember, space is a cold and unforgiving mistress.
  • Weapons for dominance: Upgrade your ship’s weaponry to take down pirates, rival factions, and any other cosmic threats that cross your path. Might makes right in the vast expanse of space.
  • Engines for speed: Boost your ship’s engines to outrun pirates, explore distant systems faster, and escape sticky situations in a flash. Time is of the essence when traversing the cosmos.

Remember, a well-maintained ship is a crucial asset. Treat it with the respect it deserves and it will carry you across galaxies and back.

9. Dive into the Lore: 

Starfield is more than just beautiful vistas and laser fights. It’s a universe brimming with rich lore, waiting to be unearthed.

  • Seek out ancient ruins: Explore abandoned settlements, decipher cryptic messages, and piece together the history of civilizations long gone. Unravel the mysteries of the universe and its inhabitants.
  • Listen to the whispers: Pay attention to NPC conversations, terminal entries, and environmental storytelling. Small details can reveal hidden agendas, forgotten conflicts, and fascinating secrets about the galaxy.
  • Become a cosmic historian: Piece together the fragments of lore you discover. Connect the dots, form your own theories, and speculate about the future of this intricate universe.

The lore adds depth and intrigue to your journey. Become a scholar of the cosmos and let Starfield’s rich history and mythology wash over you.

10. Enjoy the Ride: 

Above all, remember to have fun! Starfield is an expansive and immersive experience, so savor the freedom, embrace the surprises, and let your inner explorer run wild.

  • Take your time: Don’t rush through the main story. Go off the beaten path, explore hidden corners of the galaxy, and lose yourself in the beauty and wonder of space.
  • Appreciate the music: The soundtrack is stunning! Let the atmospheric tunes and vibrant sound effects draw you into the world and heighten your emotional connection to the journey.
  • Embrace the community: Share your discoveries, discuss theories, and build connections with other Starfield explorers. The shared experience adds another layer of enjoyment to your cosmic voyage.

It’s very early days of the Starfield so we all have to explore on our own but with these tips in your pocket, you’re ready to embark on your own epic Starfield adventure. So buckle up, blast off, and prepare to be awestruck by the wonders that await you amongst the stars!

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