5 Must Do Things After Buying A New Laptop!

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Just bought a new Windows laptop? What are some of the things you could do to run your brand-new laptop at its best settings? Well, stick with us and we will provide you with a complete guide to set up your newly-bought laptop in a way that fits your preference.

This guide may sound very familiar to people that are already using Windows laptops, but believe me, that is going to help the people that are got their hands on a Windows laptop for the first time. So without any future due, let’s jump on to our guide.

1. Updating the Operating System

First things first, whenever you buy a new laptop, the first thing you have to do is to update the operating system. In this case, we are talking about Windows updates. These updates may include important security patches and essential driver updates that you don’t wanna miss.

1. Click on the Start button and click on the “Settings” icon to open up the settings.

2. After the Settings window is opened, click on the “Windows Update” button on the top right of the screen.

3. Click on the “Check for updates” button and this will start checking, downloading, and installing the available updates.

Keep in mind that installing important security updates is very crucial because with every passing day, there are different viruses being made and to cope with them, you must have an updated operating system.

2. Remove unwanted Programs and Apps

When you buy a new laptop, many laptops come with third-party apps and softwares that you may not want to use. They use your laptop’s power and resources and can even make your laptop slow. This can include free games or free antivirus softwares. So, you might wanna remove these apps from your laptop. To do that:

1. Type “Apps & features” in the search box and click on the first result.

2. Look for the apps you don’t want to use by scrolling down the list.

3. Once you find an unwanted app, click on it and then click on the “Uninstall” button to uninstall it.

This way, you can remove unwanted apps from your laptop can save battery and other important resources. 

3. Download and install your favourite browser

To be honest, in 2023, Microsoft Edge works better than other major browsers, and on top of that, the addition of GPT-4 in Bing has changed the browser game. So, a bit of good advice would be to stick with Microsoft Edge as it is lightweight, faster, and most importantly, it lets you use GPT-4.

But if you want to use some other browser, like if you are a gamer or even a content creator and want to use Opera Gx, then you can use it by downloading and installing it this way:

1. Download the Opera Gx installer from the link below and run it.

Opera Gx link: Opera GX | Gaming Browser | Opera

2. Search for “Choose a default web browser” and click on the first result. Click on the displayed browser and choose Opera Gx from the list.

This way, you can make your favourite browser the default browser of your laptop.

4. Copy or Sync your files

When you buy a new laptop, you might want to copy or sync your important data to your laptop. Without your important data, your laptop may feel incomplete. Luckily, there are multiple methods to transfer or sync your data to your new laptop. Below are some of the most popular and easiest ways to sync or copy your important data.

Microsoft OneDrive: If you are using a Windows laptop and want your important files on your laptop right away, Microsoft OneDive is the best option. If you have used Microsoft OneDrive to store your important data and sign in to your laptop using the same Microsoft account, it will automatically download your data to your laptop.

Google Drive or DropBox: These are cloud services that work similarly to OneDrive but don’t come builtin in Windows. If you have used these cloud services to store your data, just log in to your account on your laptop and start downloading your important data.

Manual file copy: In case you don’t have any cloud backup of your data, you can manually copy all the files from your previous computer to your new laptop. Copy all of your important data to an external drive and transfer them to your new laptop. However, it is a time-consuming and old method so we highly suggest using a cloud service for data transfer. 

5. Disable unwanted startup apps

Although we have removed unwanted apps from our laptops, some applications can still eat our laptop’s crucial resources and many times we don’t even know about that. We only notice that when there is a change in the performance of the laptop. These apps tend to start with Windows and you may not want them to start when you boot up your system. They can increase the boot time of your laptop and can also use your laptop’s important resources that you may want to utilise in some other task. You can disable the unwanted start-up using the guide given below.

1. Search for “Startup apps” in the search bar and click on the first result. 

2. Just disable the app that you don’t want to start with your computer.   

Tip: Whenever you install a new app to your laptop, visit this Startup apps window so you can disable their startup tasks if you don’t need them.

So, these were the 5 essential things you should always do after buying a new Windows laptop. Although you can use your laptop without these recommendations but according to our knowledge, these are a must-do after buying a new Windows laptop. Everyone wants to get the best from their laptops and by following this guide, you can achieve that too. Moreover, it will definitely make your Windows experience seamless and you will not have to deal with the browser and apps you don’t like.

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